I can make your brilliant ideas come true


Notus - Front-end Developer (present)

started at 2023-01-23

At Notus, I work as a Front-end Web Developer, where I'm responsible for creating high-quality, user-friendly and visually appealing websites and web applications. I'm collaborating closely with designers, back-end developers and product owners to ensure the seamless delivery of end-to-end digital experiences.

I use my knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and mainly React to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces, and I took pride in writing clean, maintainable and scalable code. I also demonstrated my problem-solving skills by troubleshooting and fixing technical issues, as well as continuously improving website functionality and performance. I also play an active role in the development process, offering creative solutions and suggestions to enhance the overall user experience.



Point is a project I thought of because I had to implement payment at my company, since it's been some time since I have last used Stripe, I created this project to get my hands dirty again. It doesn't have any real value, and probably doesn´t even make sense, the real goal was to get things done with Stripe. With this project, you can, Login, buy one of the three plans available, request a project, add information about the requested project, as title, description and an image to your project request.

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Instagram Clone

An instagram clone made all by myself, It has all the main functionalities, as Creating a Post, liking, commenting, following, following suggestions(based on who you follow). I've also created the functionality of updating your profile. The backend was made entirely inside Nextjs API Routes using TRPC's power.

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A clothing store made with React and TypeScript. You can select your clothes on the homepage and save all to your cart, later on checkout. All integrated with Stripe for payment methods and fully functional

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Judge Me

This website takes all the information needed from Github's public API and judges you depending on how many repositories you have, commits, languages and etc. Texts are not fully dynamic yet.

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Passwordee - Password Manager

A Password Manager with a complete Front-end and Back-end, made with React TypeScript and Express with MongoDB.

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Pomodoro timer

A pomodoro timer that you can use for yourself and be more productive. Your history is also saved locally so you can check your own progress on all tasks.

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Real-Time Chat App

It's a fully functional website that you can use to talk with people by chat.

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Spotify Clone

It’s a Spotify clone, that connects to the Spotify’s API and gets the Discover Weekly page.

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